This is an unofficial mirror of by James Pond, who is unfortunately no longer with us.

All rights belong to James' beneficiaries.

No guarantee is made about the accuracy or completeness of this mirror.


Apple  OSX  and  Time  Machine  Tips


General Time Machine Stuff:

        Time Machine vs. Clones and Archives     

        How Time Machine Works its Magic

Time Machine’s Gory Details:

        Frequently Asked Questions


        Using Time Machine with a Time Capsule 

        Using Time Machine with an Airport Extreme Airdisk

Other Apple Tips & Information

        Setting-up a new Mac from an old one, its backups, or a PC

  1. Using Setup Assistant on Lion or Mountain Lion

  2. Using Migration Assistant on Lion or Mountain Lion

  3. Using Setup Assistant on Snow Leopard or Leopard

  4. Using Migration Assistant on Snow Leopard or Leopard

  5. Transferring files from one User Account to another

  6. Transferring Home Folders not on a Startup volume

  7. Transferring Applications

  8. Problems after using Migration Assistant

        Some Changes in Mountain Lion

        Some Changes in Lion

        Using the Recovery HD

        The Storage Display

        Making a Lion or Mountain Lion Install disc or partition

        Using Disk Utility

        Installing the "combo" update and/or Reinstalling OSX

        Sleeping your Mac vs. Powering Down

        Using a U.P.S. System with a Mac

        Data Recovery

        OSX Log Files

        Where did my Disk Space go?

        What version of OSX do I have?

        OSX Maintenance Scripts

        Using Target Disk Mode

        Resetting Password and/or User Permissions

        Reporting a problem to Apple