This is an unofficial mirror of by James Pond, who is unfortunately no longer with us.

All rights belong to James' beneficiaries.

No guarantee is made about the accuracy or completeness of this mirror.


OSX Tips

Some  Changes  in  Lion

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  1. Scroll direction is reversed.

  2. May be changed via System Preferences > Mouse and/or System Preferences > Trackpad.

  3. Scrollbars are hidden.

  4. May be changed via System Preferences > General (previously Appearance).

  5. Scroll momentum control has been moved.

  6. To System Preferences > Universal Access > Mouse & Trackpad tab > Mouse Options  Check Scrolling with inertia.

  7. Finder Sidebars have been re-arranged.  Contents are gray.  Apps have generic icons.

  8. It's a bit of a "hack," but there's a way to put the colors and icons back, from LionTweaks.  (Restarting may revert to gray;  use the Force Quit menu to Relaunch the Finder.)

  9. ~/Library (the Library folder in home folders) is hidden.

  10. May be seen by holding Alt/Option while selecting Go in the Finder menubar.

  11. May be made permanently visible by copying and pasting chflags nohidden ~/Library via Terminal (in your Applications/Utilities folder).  Must be repeated after software updates.

  12. May also be made permanent by dragging it into a Finder sidebar.

  13. Dock indicators of running apps are OFF.

  14. May be turned ON via System Preferences > Dock.

  15. Spaces are now called Desktops.

  16. They're configured via Mission Control, not System Preferences.

A number of appearance and functional things in Lion are different from Snow Leopard.  A few that may be especially disconcerting or confusing to those accustomed to earlier versions of OSX, that aren't mentioned or aren't clear in Apple's documentation:


  1. Quitting apps leaves windows open;  they reopen with the app, and at Restart.

  2. May be changed via System Preferences > General (previously Appearance).  Un-check the Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps box.

  3. The Resume tab in the free TinkerTool app allows you to set this for individual apps.

  4. There's a separate prompt when you select Restart or Shut down.

The  RESUME  feature

  1. Rosetta is gone.

  2. Icons for PPC apps have a white circle with a line through it, and will not work.

  3. There is a Recovery HD (partition, actually) instead of an Install disc.

  4. See Using the Recovery HD.

  5. Setup Assistant and Migration Assistant:

  6. Network transfers don't work from Macs running Tiger or earlier.

  7. To transfer via Firewire or Thunderbolt, select From Time Machine or other disk, not From another Mac.  See Using Setup Assistant on Lion and/or Using Migration Assistant on Lion.

  8. You can now transfer from a PC.  See OS X Lion: About Windows Migration Assistant

  9. There's a new File Vault, encrypting entire disks/partitions.

  10. See: OS X Lion: About FileVault 2 for details.

  11. Disk Utility only verifies or repairs the partition map when you select the whole drive.

  12. You must verify or repair each volume separately.  See #6 in Using Disk Utility.


  1. Mail message list has a new format.

  2. Traditional layout available via Mail > Preferences > Viewing > Use classic layout

  3. "Bounce" is gone from Mail.

AUTOSAVE and VERSIONS   See OS X Lion: About Auto Save and Versions for details.

  1. Auto Save and Versions work only with some apps:  Text Edit and Preview, so far.

    Plus Numbers (2.1) and Pages (4.1) updated on 7/20/11, and some 3rd-party apps.

  1. Many apps no longer have a Save As option.  It's replaced by Duplicate

  2. Files using Auto Save and Versions are locked after 2 weeks.

  3. You'll be prompted to unlock if you try to modify one.

  4. Locking and timing can be changed via Time Machine Preferences > Options.


  1. Portable Macs using Time Machine also make "Local snapshots" on your internal HD.

  2. See What are Local snapshots?

  3. A copy of the Recovery HD is on external Time Machine HDs (effective with 10.7.2).

  4. See  Using the Recovery HD.

  5. Time Machine backups to an external drive can be encrypted.

  6. See How do I set up and use encrypted backups?

  7. You can no longer browse or restore individual photo backups with iPhoto 9.1.5 or greater.

  8. See Restoring from Time Machine with iPhoto '11 and OS X LionThere's a rather tacky workaround in the pink box of How do I view or restore selected items?

  9. The TM menubar icon shows an exclamation mark if the destination isn't available when a backup is due, and the Prefs Panel shows Delayed, instead of waiting 10 days.

  10. 3rd-party NAS (network) drives may need updates to work with Time Machine.

  11. Backups only save the current Version of files (as do CCC and SD clones)