This is an unofficial mirror of by James Pond, who is unfortunately no longer with us.

All rights belong to James' beneficiaries.

No guarantee is made about the accuracy or completeness of this mirror.


Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions

8. How can I tell what Time Machine is backing-up?

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Time Machine’s "Star Wars" display (question #15) shows a picture of how your system looked at the time of each backup.  Sometimes, though, there’s a need to figure out just what was actually backed-up on a particular backup.  There are a couple of 3rd-party apps for that:

These show most of the files saved by TM for each backup (excluding some hidden/system files, etc.).  This can help you figure out just what is (or is not) being backed-up.

        Time Tracker  is free, it’s pretty basic but usually works well.

        BackupLoupe  requires a small payment, but has some additional features.

Note that both these applications work by comparing a backup you select to the one before it.  So if you select a large backup, it’s going to take a while to determine, calculate, and display the items.

And you can’t select the oldest backup, since there’s nothing to compare it to.

See  Troubleshooting item #A2  for more details.